Conference on The Co-creation of Help for Families in the Community to Reduce Social Exclusion and Improve Health
You are kindly invited to attend the conclusive conference within the project of Co-creation of help for Families in the Community: Co-creation of Desired Change to Reduce Social Exclusion an Improve Health that was financed by the Norway Financial Mechanism. The conference will present the project’s findings in work with families in the community from the aspects of social-work, health improvement and kinesiology and their contribution to families’ empowerment, improvement of their health and reduction of their social exclusion. A special emphasis will be laid to the transfer of research findings to practice.
The conference will take place on 7 April 2016 at the Faculty of Health Sciences. The programme of the conference and the titles of the papers will be announced later.
The participation at the conference is free of charge. At the end of the conference all participants will receive the scientific monograph The Co-creation of Help for Families in the Community: the Co-creation of Desired Change to Reduce Social Exclusion and Improve Health.
You are cordially invited!
Registration will be possible in february 2016, here.