The Third Interim Report – Summary

The Third Interim Project Report was submited on 29 January 2016. From the beginning of the project until January 2016 our work was based on carrying out the following activities:

DSC_0015Regular meetings of the steering committee, frequent contacts with our partners, writing and submition of two interim reports, and making and continuously updating the website. In december the project was presented at the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Social Work. Currently, the closing conference is under preparation along with two scientific monographs and conference proceedings. Two members of the research team at the Faculty of Social Work participated at the international scientific conference IUC in Dubrovnik, Croatia, where they presented the Project and the interim results. Three abstracts have been submited for the participation at the international conference in Lisbon, and one for the international congress of sports psychology in Montreal. Two scientific articles were written, accepted for publication and published in a Slovenian journal. An article has been submited for the publication in an international scientific journal (presently in the process of peer review). Intensive work has been done on the preparation of the programme of the seminar for students’ placement site mentors; a working visit to Norway was paid and a draft model of work with families was made.

The Project’s central activity involves students’s work with families in the community, with 28 families participating in the academic year 2014/15. The decision to continue with this and related activities in 2015/16 stems from the needs expressed by the families and students’ wish to do practical work. This year, 20 new students and one volunteer started working on the Project. From October to December 2015, 20 families participated in their individual working projects of help. The work is continuous, and the research material about the process of work is being collected. Regular meetings with students are held in 4 mentor groups. Contents that were urgently needed by the students doing social work with families within the project were included in the master course of »Social work with the family« by the holders of individual subjects. 17 conclusive interviews with the families were carried out. The material collected has been analysed to be used for the evaluation of the process of co-operation with the families and the evaluation of the course of the project. The members of the project team at the Faculty of Social Work kept holding regular meetings.

IMG_0997Faculty of Health Sciences: The draft Model of the Balance Oriented Training to Increase the Mobility of the Elderly was prepared and evaluated. Fifty exercising units were carried out with a group of elderly residents of the Municipality of Ljubljana. Regular meetings were held with the student volunteers who participated in the conduct of the training. The principle of the co-creation of the exercising programme began to be applied. The exercising model was presented to researchers and students in the form of a lecture, and on a poster. The assessment protocol has been prepared to be used after the exercising programme will be concluded. A survey was conducted among elderly users of the public city transport, 101 survey questionnaires and 300 observations by the users of the public city transport were analysed, followed by the analysis of the final results. A scientific article has been written and sent to be peer-reviewed at a journal with an impact factor.

Faculty of Sports: The training model for inactive adults »Movement for the Will and the Will to Move«. An important part of the training model consists in its psychological intervention and encouragement of life-style change towards an increased physical activity. Test battery was designed to identify the participants’ psycho-social and motorical status. The exercising included 56 exercising units and involved 20 inactive adults from families with low SES. The exercises were run by 7 second grade kinesiology students, who worked under a constant supervision by experts from the Faculty of Sports. Charity collection of sports equipment for participants of the exercising programme was organised, and a final social meeting was carried out. After the conclusion of the exercising programme, the work will be related to the analysis of the results, writing of a scientific article, monographs, the papers for the final conference and the congress of sports psychology, and to further study of scientific literature.

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